Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

November 19th Message of the Week

November 19th Message of the Week


So often we allow our FEAR and ANXIETY to get in the way with our walk with GOD. Our FEAR of not being good enough for GOD and the ANXIETY that comes with it. Satan finds those weaknesses in us, and knows, without a strong FAITH, we allow him to cast doubt over our Christianity. Even the apostles showed an example of this in Matthew 14:26-33, “While they were in the boat, they were a long way from land and the winds picked up and the waves were violent.  Jesus came to them walking on the water, they were terrified saying “it is a ghost.” They cried out in FEAR. Peter asked, “Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water”. Jesus said “come”. Peter got out of the boat and walked on water, but when he saw the winds whip violently his ANXIETY showed he was afraid and began to sink. He cried out “Lord save me”. Jesus immediately reached out His hand and took hold of him. See, GOD has us! And just as His Son reached out His hand for apostle Peter, God sent Jesus to reach out His hand for us on that cross to cover our sins and to say that we are worthy enough! We must keep our FAITH strong to know that  GOD loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST as a sacrifice on that cross so that we can have eternal life.

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