

The Christian Lifestyle

The Christian Lifestyle

Series: The Christian Lifestyle (SM24)

When you become a Christian something changes. Salvation changes immediately, but there is something else that comes—your lifestyle changes. The desires, hopes, dreams, and more will change, and you grow closer to God as you grow. What does that life look like? Well, these lessons will help make the simple, simple. We aren't given hundreds of laws and rules. We have one man and the example He set. We follow Christ's example as Christians. That's the lifestyle we all should choose to live.

Recent Sermons

  1. Above Every Name
    Jordan Cunningham
  2. Be Kind
    Jordan Cunningham
  3. The Life-Giving Spirit
    Jordan Cunningham

Upcoming Events

  1. Bible Study
    Sunday, December 29th, 20249:30am
  2. Sunday Worship
    Sunday, December 29th, 202410:30am
  3. Wednesday Bible Study
    Wednesday, January 1st, 20254:30pm